The Men Praying Everywhere initiative and ministry ( grew out of a men’s prayer meeting for Attorney Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation. (  Someone in the meeting dreamed out loud that there would be 1 million praying men in America.

The Lord quickened the desire to mobilize men to prayer and action in MPE Director Thomas Bush’s heart.  He has been pursuing the goal of raising up prayer-activated men ever since.

Director Bush shared the MPE vision with friend and pastor Remco Brommet, a writer for Intercessors for America international prayer ministry. (IFA, Excited about this new expression of prayer, MPE and IFA teamed up to produce and publish a written article and video to seek prayer and partnership for MPE.  Read more here.

As you will see in the article and video, a movement of praying men requires leadership and discipleship.  We must call men to prayer and spiritual activity.

A movement of praying men requires praying leaders who are leaders of men.  Since “men follow men,” in order for this movement to grow and flourish, it requires praying men who are leaders of men to produce 2 Timothy 2:2 praying men who can lead and teach others.


Are you a man?  Seek to be a leader of men.  How?  Get discipled to be a leader of men by a leader of men. Military, sports and education leaders are a great place to start.

Are you a leader of men who prays?  Disciple men to be leaders of men who disciple, develop and deploy leaders of men who pray.  Don’t know how?  Connect with MPE to develop, disciple and deploy men of prayer and action!