Training Men To
Lead Prayer Groups
Forming Prayer Squads
We have formalized our “prayer squad” emphasis in men praying with men into launching 2-man and 4-man prayer groups using the framework of US Marines 2-man “Buddy teams” and 4-man “fire teams.” (The source material for this approach was written by Barney Barnes. Click here to view.)
The Fundamentals of Our Prayer Approach
The most important fundamentals of this approach are:
- Within men is the DNA of revolutionary impact.
Training men to pray is a strategic kingdom priority.
How can we increase the impact of men in church and community?
Call them to prayer and spiritual activity.
- God Calls Leaders First: We must first find the leaders of men.
a. Has He or Is He Calling a man to be a Leader of Men?
b. Has that man been discipled in prayer?
c. Could that man disciple men to become men of prayer?
- We must Create a Male Context – An Environment Where Men Thrive
a. Men follow men
b. Men need male leadership.
c. Men need vision and purpose
d. Men want to be led to greatness.
e. Men will lead when they feel trained and competent.
f. Men respond positively to being discipled in prayer.
Since “men follow men,” in order to raise up more praying men, we need to raise up more men’s prayer leaders who can lead men in men’s prayer groups.
We are working nationally to lead this movement of men’s prayer leaders. We would like to partner with you regarding opportunities to work together in cities and regions to spur on this movement.
Are you and the men you know interested in receiving this training?
Let’s schedule a call to discuss this opportunity! Cell: (619) 742-8694
1. Within men is the DNA of revolutionary impact.
2. Equipping men to pray is a strategic kingdom priority.
3. How can we increase the impact of men in our churches, ministries, businesses and community? We must call them to prayer and spiritual activity!
The Need – Praying Leaders, Praying Culture and Prayer Equipping
1. Leaders Create a Praying Culture.
– To have praying men, organizations must have leaders who create a praying
2. Leaders Model and Lead Their Organizations to have a praying
– Every Leader a Praying Leader and Every Leader a Prayer Advocate.
– Leaders provide prayer equipping so that every man can be a
fully-equipped praying disciple.
– Organizations with praying leaders and praying men are prepared to follow
God’s leading.
“People who do not pray will always be disoriented to the activity
of God”
Pastor Mel Blackaby
3 Keys to Leading Men in Prayer
1. Provide Male Leadership
“Whenever God calls His people to Himself, He uses His leaders” (Blackaby) We must call our people to prayer and spiritual activity.
“People don’t drift naturally toward prayer and evangelism” Leadership is required to keep these ministries on task. Dr. Rick Shepherd
2. Create a “Male Context” – An Environment Where Men Thrive
Male Context
1. Men follow men. 2.Men need male leadership. They are looking for men who will lead them to greatness. 3.Men need vision. 4.Men need purpose |
5. Men respond positively to being discipled. 6. Men are visual and want to conquer territory. 7. Men will not lead in areas where they do not feel equipped and competent. |
► Give men a good target to pray for. Something to accomplish, to be overcome.
► Invite them to where you want to see God workand see the impact of their prayers and labor.
3. Engage the “Warrior Spirit” in Men(Born to Be A Warrior, Commander John R. “Barney” Barnes)
“Warrior Spirit: The passionate desire and determination in the heart of a man to prepare and perfect himself for the stance against evil in the service of others.
4. Value Men in the Church – And Greater Community
► When a husband/dad is first to connect to a faith community, 93% of the families follow.
► When a wife/mom is first to connect to the faith community, 22% of the families follow.
► When a child is first to connect to a faith community, 3.5% of the families follow.
“As the father goes, so goes the family, and so goes the nation.” Woman is the heart of the home; if her heart is broken, so is the family.
5. Leaders Become Prayer Advocates (PA)
Pastor Phil Miglioratti, National Pastors Prayer Network, Pray.Network
A PAis a catalyst for prayer wherever they go. We invite every leader to strive to be a PA.
1. Practices prayer: A PA must pray himself. 2. Preaches, teaches, and disciples in prayer: A PA leads by providing a Biblical foundation for those he leads. 3. Promotes prayer – A PA casts vision for having a ministry saturated with prayer. 4. Participates in prayer: The PA’s team experiences the PAby praying with him. |
5. Provides places of prayer: PA’s provide places and opportunities for people to pray. PA’s invite people to take prayer to places where people are. A PAtrains for/encourages Spirit-led, Scripture-fed prayer for every person, gathering, class and committee. PA’s provide opportunities/places to pray. 6. Produces prayer lists focused on kingdom impact: PA’s include prayer requests that would make a difference if God were to answer. |